Meet the people behind the event
Let’s start the recap from the beginning. So, what’s the first thing you need when you say you want to realise a DrupalCamp? You need organisers, of course. You need sponsors, absolutely. You need volunteers. And you need a website. Immediately after the decision was made to organise a DrupalCamp in Berlin following the Splash Awards in November, the first recurring meetings were set up where people could get involved to make it happen. Leadership was taken by Niklas Franke from Factorial from Hamburg taking care mainly of finding a good location for the event and the first sponsors, and Norman Kämper-Leymann from 1xINTERNET taking care of the website that needed to be built to call for sessions first and later provide a full event schedule.
Hi, I’m Norman Kämper-Leymann, senior full-stack developer at 1xINTERNET, Drupal User Group Berlin co-organiser and one of the organisers of the DrupalCamp Berlin 2024.