You can choose from a library of over 140 fully responsive templates to kickstart your website project, regardless of your design or coding skills. Whether you want a sleek and modern look or something more classic, we’ve got templates to fit every vibe. Plus, we’ve thrown in global design settings to help you maintain a consistent style across all pages. And with the corporate identity protection feature, your website will truly reflect your brand’s identity, creating a cohesive and professional online presence.

All of these great Sitejet features, and more, are included with the cost with your cPanel license:

Our teams have been working tirelessly to make cPanel even better this year. We’ve made improvements to the features you already love, making them even smoother and stronger, and released new features that take the software to the next level. 

Sitejet Builder for cPanel for Enhanced Website Design and Management - cPanel Blog

This speedy and intuitive website builder enables anyone to easily create impressive websites straight from the panel. It’s designed to simplify workflows by providing all the necessary tools in one place: hosting, security, and website building, all accessible from directly within cPanel. And the best part? It’s absolutely free! (Availability of this tool may need to be enabled by your hosting provider.)

We all know the struggle: creating websites that look good, work great, convert, and don’t give you headaches with responsive issues or mischievous bugs. 

That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ll soon release the fully integrated Sitejet Builder for cPanel!

A Better Way to Website, Without Leaving the Panel

We can’t wait to get this incredible tool into your panel. If you want to be among the first to try it out, join our waitlist here, and we’ll keep you in the loop with all the latest updates, including the release date. Trust us, you won’t want to miss out on the exciting news we’ve got coming your way!

Let’s look at all the benefits this new tool has in store – we love it, and so will you.

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There you have it! The Sitejet Builder for cPanel is your secret weapon for building and managing competitive websites that thrive and prosper. And it truly is for everyone, regardless of your technical background.

  • Drag and drop editor, no coding needed 
  • Professionally designed templates
  • Free stock photos and videos 
  • eCommerce functionality 
  • AI-assisted content creation
  • Built-in SEO tools
  • Full design flexibility (HTML, CSS, JS)
  • Automated and manual backups
  • Unlimited published pages
Sitejet Builder for cPanel for Enhanced Website Design and Management - cPanel Blog

Top-Tier Design, No Coding Needed

Sitejet Builder for cPanel is here to make your life easier, whether you’re a web pro, an eCommerce manager, a small business owner, or part of an agency. The straightforward editor enables anyone to quickly create and publish fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly sites, truly making website creation easy for everyone. 

Creating Effective Content with AI Assistance

Websites are automatically installed, hosted, and secured on the cPanel server to handle increasing demands without compromising performance. What’s more, Sitejet Builder’s integration into cPanel streamlines domain management and scaling, offering enhanced multi-site management, automagically!

Fully Integrated for Seamless Experience

Sitejet Builder for cPanel will land on your panel very soon. You can join our waitlist here to receive the updates directly to your inbox, including the release date. 

Coming Soon, Stay in the Loop!

The Sitejet Builder for cPanel comes bundled with your cPanel license at no extra cost. It’s a one-stop shop for everything you need: eCommerce features, SEO optimization, and customizable widgets. Plus, it’s multilingual, so you can reach audiences around the globe with ease.

Need help with writer’s block or hunting for the perfect images? The Sitejet Builder comes with an AI-powered Text Generator, dynamic content collections, and a treasure trove of free stock photos and videos. They’re like your trusty sidekicks, ready to help you create and embed compelling content directly into your page with just a few clicks.

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