This page is part of my digital garden. It is more like a notebook entry than a polished blog post. It’s a space where I document learnings primarily for my own reference, yet share them in case they benefit others. Unlike my blog posts, these pages are works-in-progress and updated over time. Like tending to a real garden, I periodically refine its content. I welcome suggestions for improvements at

On macOS, you can install DDEV using Homebrew:

You can also use the web-based installer to configure Drupal, which allows you to enable individual Recipes. You’ll need your site’s URL and database credentials. Run this command to get both:

$ ddev start

Once everything is installed and configured, you can access your new Drupal CMS site. You can simply use:

To build or manage a Drupal site, you’ll need to log in. By default, Drupal creates a main administrator account. It’s a good idea to update the username and password for this account. To do so, run the following command:

$ ddev launch

$ ddev drush uli

$ ddev drush site:install

$ brew install ddev

$ cd drupal_cms
$ ddev config --docroot=web --project-type=drupal

Next, configure DDEV for your Drupal project:

  • Option 2: Configure Drupal via the web installer
    DDEV is an Open Source development environment that makes it easy to setup Drupal on your computer. It handles all the complex configuration by providing pre-configured Docker containers for your web server, database, and other services.
    That’s it! Happy Drupal-ing!
  • The final step is configuring Drupal itself. This includes things like setting your site name, database credentials, etc. You can do this in one of two ways:

    $ ddev describe

    $ git clone

    The final step is configuring Drupal itself. This includes things like your site name, database configuration, etc. You can do this in one of two ways:

    Next, let’s start our engines:

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