On macOS, you can install DDEV using Homebrew:
You can also use the web-based installer to configure Drupal, which allows you to enable individual Recipes. You’ll need your site’s URL and database credentials. Run this command to get both:
$ ddev start
Once everything is installed and configured, you can access your new Drupal CMS site. You can simply use:
To build or manage a Drupal site, you’ll need to log in. By default, Drupal creates a main administrator account. It’s a good idea to update the username and password for this account. To do so, run the following command:
$ ddev launch
$ ddev drush uli
$ ddev drush site:install
$ brew install ddev
$ cd drupal_cms
$ ddev config --docroot=web --project-type=drupal
Next, configure DDEV for your Drupal project:
DDEV is an Open Source development environment that makes it easy to setup Drupal on your computer. It handles all the complex configuration by providing pre-configured Docker containers for your web server, database, and other services.
That’s it! Happy Drupal-ing!
The final step is configuring Drupal itself. This includes things like setting your site name, database credentials, etc. You can do this in one of two ways:
$ ddev describe
$ git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal_cms.git
The final step is configuring Drupal itself. This includes things like your site name, database configuration, etc. You can do this in one of two ways:
Next, let’s start our engines: