su your-username
Configure a CMS or framework and deploy your application to the server via FTP. Lastly, a monitoring tool like Prometheus should be set up, and a cronjob script should be created to automate regular tasks like backup and updating.
To learn more about how to set it up, check out our installing phpMyAdmin on CentOS tutorial, which should also work for other RHEL-based distros like AlmaLinux. Once configured, you should be able to access the panel by visiting this link:

What to Do After Buying a VPS
4. Secure Your VPS
Another essential measure is setting up Fail2Ban to block malicious login attempts. Here is the installation command:
In this section, we will explain seven necessary measures after purchasing VPS hosting and several Hostinger features that help simplify the task.
Some popular web servers are Apache, NGINX, and OpenLiteSpeed. Unless you need a specific one, we recommend OpenLiteSpeed due to its high performance and extensive compatibility.
2. Set Up Your VPS
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

May 03, 2024
To help you make an informed decision, check out our WordPress on KVM tutorial to learn more about their performance. Now, let’s start installing a web server.
3. Point Your Domain
Now, install the web stack to host your website or application. The first component is a web server, a software that takes clients’ requests and displays the queried content.
While you can access your VPS using its IP address, you need a domain name to make the hosted site or application accessible to users. You also need it to enable HTTPS and set up a custom mail server in later steps.
You install a control panel like CyberPanel to simplify VPS hosting management. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for accessing your server files and configurations without using Linux commands.

For basic resource tracking, use your management panel’s built-in monitoring feature. In hPanel, you can access it by going to VPS → Settings → Backup & Monitoring → Server Usage.
After understanding your server’s compatibility, let’s proceed with the software installation. At Hostinger, you can configure an operating system and control panel in one click using a VPS template. If you’re using another web hosting provider, you might need to use custom commands.
We also recommend setting up a private mailing service with your domain to improve deliverability. The easiest way to do so is by hosting a custom mail server on CyberPanel.
For example, install WordPress via CyberPanel by going to the Dashboard → Websites → List Websites → Manage. Scroll down to the Application Installer section and select WP + LSCache. Enter the site information and click Create Website.
To help you get started, this tutorial will explain what to do after purchasing a VPS hosting plan, from getting to know your server to integrating a monitoring tool.
Another component of a web stack is a database, which stores and retrieves user information upon request. It enables your website to show dynamic content that automatically changes based on specific queries.
5. Install a Web Server
Since VPS hosting is a self-managed service, users must complete several steps to prepare their hosting environment. After understanding the server’s hardware and software compatibility, install an operating system like Linux or Windows.
For the operating system, web hosting providers commonly provide two options – Linux and Windows. Hostinger’s VPS only supports Linux distros since they are free, more flexible, and perform better than Windows.
For example, set it up in Cyberpanel by going to the main dashboard → SSL → Manage SSL. Select your VPS domain and click Issue SSL. Then, go to Websites → List Websites → Manage → Rewrite Rules and select force HTTPS.
In this section, we will answer several questions users often ask after purchasing a VPS hosting plan.
Then, access your VPS via SSH to create a new superuser and set up security software, including a firewall and SSL. Install a web stack according to your application requirements and optional software like a hosting management panel.
6. Add Email and Database Services
Aris Sentika
Absolutely! To host multiple websites on a VPS, create a dedicated folder within your web server’s root directory for each domain. Then, upload index.php and other page files into the location.
Aris is a Content Writer specializing in Linux and WordPress development. He has a passion for networking, front-end web development, and server administration. By combining his IT and writing experience, Aris creates content that helps people easily understand complex technical topics to start their online journey. Follow him on LinkedIn.
Each VPS comes with a specific CPU core, RAM, and storage allocations. These determine how much load your virtual server can withstand and the amount of data it can save.
In addition, configure firewall rules on your VPS to block malicious traffic that can compromise its safety. You can do so using Linux’s iptables or Windows Firewall.
There are different ways to point a domain name to your VPS, but the easiest one is by changing the DNS record in your registrar’s settings.
7. Deploy Your First Web Application
sudo dnf install fail2ban
At Hostinger, you can use our LAMP stack template to configure Apache or LEMP for NGINX. OpenLiteSpeed templates are also available, but they are pre-configured with other software.
At Hostinger, you can install the Apache, NGINX, or OpenLiteSpeed web server using the operating system template via hPanel. Alternatively, you can do so using the apt install command via SSH.

The most critical steps are installing an operating system, setting up a new root password, creating a superuser, and configuring security tools. Then, install the web stack, such as the web server and database, based on your hosting needs.
8. Monitor and Maintain Your Server
Use Hostinger’s VPS AI Assistant to help with server maintenance and troubleshooting. You can generate instructions and commands for your needs using simple prompts.
Hostinger VPS supports popular CMSs like WordPress and frameworks like Laravel, which you can configure using templates or commands. Several management panels also provide an installer feature.

sudo dnf update && sudo apt upgrade

Lastly, install a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate to encrypt the connection between your server and clients. You can do so using Certbot via your command line interface or your hosting management panel’s feature.
After purchasing a virtual private server (VPS), you must complete several steps before deploying an application or a website.
I Bought a VPS Now What? FAQ
sudo dnf install mysql-server
Regularly monitor your server performance to ensure your website or application is responsive. You can use tools like Grafana or Prometheus, but setting them up can be complicated.
Can I Host Multiple Websites on a Single VPS?
After the web stack is configured, let’s proceed with the web application deployment. The steps slightly differ depending on whether you build it using a framework or content management system (CMS).
What Is the Best Way to Monitor the Performance of My VPS?
Once installed, access your VPS via secure shell (SSH) – a secure connection protocol for executing commands on your remote server. You can use PuTTY to access the Linux server or Remote Desktop for Windows.