My Drupal Core Contributions for week-ending July 19th, 2024
Don’t shower yet, Mark, you’re not finished.
Published: July 19, 2024
I think I need a shower after all that.Oh really? Yeah, remember that cool merge request from 2 weeks ago to set the dates for each node in Umami to a unique date? Well, that also has a failing test. But only if you install Umami using Spanish as the default language.Thanks to Code Enigma for sponsoring my time to go through this masochism 😀
In a nutshell, cloud cost saving strategies can go a long way in ensuring your resources are utilized more efficiently, resulting in cost savings, and realizing the full potential of the Cloud while…
Embarking on the quest to find the ideal home office, home lab or small business firewall device is akin to navigating a jungle, but let’s narrow it down by setting the budget to…
Week 2 in my “luckiest person alive to have this job” chronicles. Let’s see what we achieved this week to make Drupal better for everyone. Here’s what I’ve been working on for my…
Tim will oversee technical decisions and facilitate contributions from the community. His role includes building a team of Drupal Starshot Committers, coordinating with Drupal Core Committers, and ensuring that Drupal Starshot remains stable, secure,…
Janez introduced Gander, the new performance testing framework for Drupal, marking a significant advancement in addressing a decade-long need for automated performance testing in Core. Its introduction revolutionizes the way Drupal approaches performance…
Have you ever experienced slow application performance on a server and wondered which process was causing the bottleneck? In a production server environment, monitoring system performance and hardware resource usage in real-time is…