technology and webhosting news

Do It This Week! 

Our session review team will go through all submissions in order to select a diverse and engaging lineup of sessions for Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2024. Sessions will be accepted on a rolling basis. This means you are more likely to get your session accepted if you send it in today! Simply fill out the submission form with your session title, description, and any additional details you’d like to provide. 

Submitting Your Session is Easy 

Submit a SessionTwin Cities Drupal Camp 2024 kicks off on September 12th-13th, on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus. The deadline for Session Submission is only a week away on August 15th. You still have time to send in your session proposals to help create this event. We have received many great new sessions for Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2024. Read our the Blog post “Send Us Your Session” to find a sampler of accepted sessions and ideas from last year’s camp.

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