[Study] U.S. Government CMS Preferences and Trends

The scope of this study encompasses identifiable cities, counties, and States within the United States, ensuring a broad and representative view of CMS usage in the government sector. Through rigorous data collection and analysis, we uncover key patterns, preferences, and factors influencing CMS adoption.Key insights on CMS usage trends:

Rationale for the study

Read: Proprietary Website Migration for Government Sites →

cms usage: small cities

Governments at the State level show a strong preference for open-source solutions among identifiable CMS platforms, with Drupal and WordPress contributing significantly to this trend.

The large proportion of unknown CMS usage (21.8%) adds an element of uncertainty to the landscape since we cannot identify if the CMS used is proprietary or open source.

cms usage: small counties

  • Identify the most popular CMS platforms used by cities, counties, and States, helping you benchmark your choices against industry trends.
  • Discuss how CMS usage varies based on government level and population size, allowing you to make decisions based on the experiences of similar entities.
  • Guide you on selecting between open-source vs proprietary CMS options, considering factors like cost, flexibility, and community support.
  • Provide recommendations on how to evaluate and select a CMS that meets your organization’s requirements.

Open source vs proprietary trends:

This section compares CMS preferences and trends across cities, counties, and States, providing insights into how different levels of government approach their CMS choices.

Open source vs proprietary: cities and towns level


Open source vs proprietary: cities and towns level

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