technology and webhosting news

Libsyn Podcast : Talking Drupal #457

Alexander Varwijk – Kingdutch For show notes Topics Where do you start when thinking about a new site or feature. Where is the line for extending vs forking Do you have…

Transitioning to Auto Height

Transitioning to Auto Height

This is one of the first questions that popped into my head when I read Chris’s post and he gets into that as well. Transitioning from an element from display: none to its…

Perfecting Search with Search API

Perfecting Search with Search API

If there are problems, further investigation may be needed. To deep dive, create a test View that shows fields for Title, Relevancy and the debug field. This will allow you to peer behind…

Drupal 10.3 is now available

Drupal 10.3 is now available

New in Drupal 10.3 Menu item editing is now simplified. Advanced options are displayed in a sidebar to help content editors focus on what is most important for the menu item. Taxonomy terms…