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namespace Drupalmy_project_profileEntityBlockContent; use DrupalbcaAttributeBundle; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsDescriptionTrait; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsImageTrait; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsTitleTrait; #[Bundle(entityType: self::ENTITY_TYPE_ID, bundle: self::BUNDLE)] final class Card extends MyProjectBlockContentBase { use TitleTrait; use DescriptionTrait; use ImageTrait; public const string BUNDLE = ‘card’; } Let’s set up our Card bundle class:EntityViewBuilders are PHP classes that contain logic on how to build (or…

rsync Command in Linux with Examples

rsync Command in Linux with Examples

The rsync command is one of the most popular and powerful tools in Linux for synchronizing files and directories between different locations. It is widely used for backups, remote file transfers, and directory syncing,…

Drupal and the Sagrada Família

Drupal and the Sagrada Família

Gaudí designed the Sagrada Família as a reflection of nature, with symbolism woven into every inch of the building. Dries Buytaert began Drupal with a similar vision. From early on, the possibility of…