Alex from Greenwich showed us some of the difficulties they had with their existing community directory. The directory had out of date content and would often crash so it wasn’t trusted by the…
The Linux ecosystem is renowned for its diversity and flexibility, boasting a wide array of distributions (distros) catering to various user needs. However, while there are around a hundred popular and actively maintained…
The global public cloud market is rapidly concentrating around three major U.S. providers—Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud—with no EU provider even remotely close to challenging their leadership in the European…
namespace Drupalmy_project_profileEntityBlockContent; use DrupalbcaAttributeBundle; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsDescriptionTrait; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsImageTrait; use Drupalmy_project_profileTraitsTitleTrait; #[Bundle(entityType: self::ENTITY_TYPE_ID, bundle: self::BUNDLE)] final class Card extends MyProjectBlockContentBase { use TitleTrait; use DescriptionTrait; use ImageTrait; public const string BUNDLE = ‘card’; } Let’s set up our Card bundle class:EntityViewBuilders are PHP classes that contain logic on how to build (or…
Submit a session now!We also are super excited to announce our three featured speakers!First up is Lauri Timmanee (formerly Eskola), who is a product manager for Drupal core, and is a product owner…
Businesses need to fully examine the full scope and lifecycle of their data management strategies with comprehensive total cost analysis. This approach ensures they select a solution that not only meets their immediate…