One way to enhance security, beyond not making the chatbot conversations public and following general security best practices (like having a secure vendor in the first place), is to encrypt user chat messages so that they are only decrypted when displayed to administrators.For Martin County, we asked the client to provide us with a list of example questions and responses, which proved invaluable during the development and fine-tuning stages.

  1. Identify clear goals and use cases, and work closely with stakeholders to gather requirements and example questions.
  2. Choose the right AI solutions based on your needs, and experiment with different approaches like fine-tuning and retrieval-augmented generation to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.
  3. Implement safeguards, optimize for the LLM’s context window, and ensure accessibility during the development phase.
  4. Provide documentation and training, consider a soft launch, and implement a feedback mechanism during deployment.
  5. Continuously analyze chatbot conversations, update the knowledge base, and stay informed about new LLM solutions during the maintenance phase.

In our research, we found examples of chatbots being used by city or county governments to answer questions about voting, paying bills, and similar topics. One specific example we came across was a Denver chatbot that provides information to users on various government-related topics.

So, we clearly define the chatbot’s knowledge scope during the planning phase to set realistic expectations for all teams and users involved.

Planning phase

So, we clearly define the chatbot’s knowledge scope during the planning phase to set realistic expectations for all teams and users involved.

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