Linda is a seasoned Content Writer specialized in website creation. With her passion for the written world and obsession with helping others, her goal is to deliver resourceful content pieces for all skill levels. When she’s not writing, Linda likes to cross stitch and watch films. Follow her on LinkedIn.

We’ll also help you identify the best eCommerce hosting plans for your project. Having access to extensive eCommerce hosting features, excellent server performance, and reliable customer support, among others, can help you take your business to success.

Hostinger’s CDN, now fully launched after extensive testing on over 10,000 websites, can boost site performance by up to 40% without any need for user configuration. It offers features like:

Our site builder supports a wide array of third-party integrations. For example, you can install marketing tools, such as Google Analytics or Hotjar, so tracking sales is effortless.

Such integration ensures you can use the necessary features, from product management and payment processing to inventory management and customer analytics, all within a cohesive environment.

Which Hosting Plan Is Best for Your eCommerce Website

Upgrade to compatible hosting plans, including managed WooCommerce’s Business and eCommerce’s Cloud Startup, to leverage Hostinger CDN and potentially boost your store’s performance significantly.

Then, monitor your usage regularly and upgrade as needed.

WooCommerce Hosting

At just .99/month, Hostinger Website Builder ensures you have all the tools necessary to create and manage a successful eCommerce website.

Whether you’re building a small online store or looking to expand your existing one, finding the ideal eCommerce hosting plan is essential for ensuring the smooth operation and scalability of your business.

Security is another important consideration. You’ll want a CDN that not only speeds things up but also keeps your site secure with features like token authentication to protect your eCommerce business and your customers.

  • Product catalog size – more products mean more pictures and possibly videos, increasing the need for storage.
  • Content richness – high-resolution photos and videos provide a better user experience but require more space.
  • Data storage – customer data, order histories, and other databases also consume storage.

Technical Support

Hostinger maintains transparency about our server performance through our status page. This dedicated page contains detailed logs and historical uptime data.

To enhance your site’s visibility and search engine rankings, make use of our integrated SEO tools. These tools let you easily edit meta titles and descriptions, implement keyword optimization, and add image alt texts.

We’ve also shared seven factors to help you review various eCommerce plans. By carefully considering those factors, you can choose a hosting solution that meets your specific needs and supports your business’s growth.

  • Reduced startup expenses – one immediate benefit of free domain registration is cutting upfront costs. For startups and small businesses, saving every penny is crucial, enabling resources for other critical areas like design, development, and marketing.
  • Simplified set-up process – free domain registration typically comes as part of a hosting package. This integration also means you can manage your hosting account and domain from a single dashboard, streamlining administrative tasks and website maintenance.
  • Professional brand image – having a custom domain, as opposed to a subdomain provided by free web hosting services, enhances credibility. In addition to building brand recognition, it helps you gain audience trust from the outset.

Hostinger’s eCommerce hosting plans are secure, fast, and reliable. Starting from .99/month, you can build your small business site using your preferred platform, as well as get free SSL certificates, domain name registration for your first year, and unlimited bandwidth.

Now, eCommerce hosting options can encompass a variety of hosting types to suit different website needs and sizes. They also highly influence how much you have to pay for the web hosting service.

Domain Name Checker

When researching CDNs for your eCommerce site, think about what’s crucial for your business. You can start by reviewing its geographic coverage to make sure the CDN’s servers span the regions where your target customers are.

  • High-performance servers – opt for a web host that uses modern, high-speed servers. For example, solid-state drive (SSD) storage significantly outperforms traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) in data access times.
  • Server location – the server’s location hosting your eCommerce site can impact load times for your visitors. Choose a web hosting company with data centers close to your target audience to minimize data travel time.
  • Caching mechanisms – caching stores copies of your site’s files to serve them faster to your visitors. Look for hosting plans that include built-in caching technologies or support for caching plugins.

With advanced security protocols, integration with leading eCommerce platforms, and scalable options, Hostinger ensures that your online store can deliver an excellent shopping experience.

Incorporating a content delivery network (CDN) is a strategic move for eCommerce websites, especially those serving a global customer base.

A CDN stores your site’s static content, like images and script files, on global servers. When a user visits your eCommerce store, the nearest server delivers data, cutting down page load times by reducing data travel distance.

Customer support specialists should not only be accessible but also knowledgeable. They should have a deep understanding of eCommerce website hosting, be up-to-date with the latest technologies, and possess the ability to solve a wide range of issues.

The storage space you need depends on the size and number of your website files, including HTML files, images, videos, and databases. Take into account the following when calculating your required storage space:

  • Firewalls – block unauthorized access.
  • DDoS protection – ensures your site remains accessible even during attempted attacks by distributing traffic across a network of servers.
  • Regular malware scans facilitates early detection to prevent damage and promptly neutralizes any threats.
  • Proactive monitoring – detects unusual activity patterns, potentially identifying and mitigating new threats before they cause harm.
  • Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an additional layer of login security, ensuring only authorized users can access sensitive backend functions.
  • Secure payment gateways – partnering with reputable payment processors that comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is essential for a more secure online transaction.
  • Data backups – automatic backups can be a lifesaver in the event of data loss, whether from technical failures or cyber-attacks. Ensure your hosting plan includes comprehensive backup solutions that allow for easy data restoration.

Guaranteed Uptime

Free Domain Registration

  • Customers expect your online store to be available whenever they need it. High uptime guarantees are vital for providing a great online shopping experience, reducing the risk of losing sales and damaging your brand reputation due to website downtime.
  • Frequent downtimes can negatively impact your website’s performance on the search engine results page (SERP). As search engines aim to offer the best user experience possible, a site that’s often down may be deemed less reliable.

Finding an eCommerce hosting solution that offers unlimited storage is challenging and can be expensive. For a new eCommerce store, starting with a plan that provides at least 10 GB of storage is advisable. It allows some room for initial growth and content expansion.

Once you’ve found a domain name that meets these standards, the next step is to check its availability. For this step, utilize a domain name search tool to promptly check if your desired name is available.

In addition to dozens of customizable online store templates, our platform supports up to 500 products and more than 20 payment options. You can also configure shipping options, customize product page designs, and set discounts to attract customers.

High bandwidth is necessary for eCommerce sites, especially during peak shopping seasons or promotional events. Aside from maintaining fast loading times, it ensures that the increased number of visitors and transactions are accommodated.

eCommerce Platform Integration

For example, here’s a GTmetrix test report from one of our client’s eCommerce website, By Gurčiūtė:

For an eCommerce website, start with at least 10 GB of storage to accommodate your product catalog, high-quality images, and customer data. Regularly assess and adjust as your site grows.

Linda Dwiastuti

  • One-click installations – simplifies the initial setup process, allowing you to get your store up quickly.
  • Pre-configured solutions – some eCommerce web hosts offer pre-configured, optimized settings for specific eCommerce platforms. These tailored solutions can enhance your store’s performance right from the start.
  • Reliable customer support – choose a hosting provider with a strong track record of exceptional support to eCommerce clients. Knowledgeable support staff is invaluable, especially when addressing complex issues.
  • Scalability – opt for an eCommerce host offering scalable features, like storage expansion and performance upgrades, to ensure a healthy business’s growth. Therefore, you can expand your store’s capabilities, handle increased traffic, and add new features as it evolves.

Content Delivery Network (CDN) Setup

This is why more hosting providers offer uptime guarantees of 99.99% or even 99.999%. They translate to less than an hour and just over five minutes of downtime per year, respectively.

To calculate the bandwidth needs for your eCommerce site, consider the following factors:

Here are different types of eCommerce hosting solutions:

  • Improved user experience – faster page load times translate to a smoother browsing experience, keeping potential customers engaged and reducing bounce rates.
  • Enhanced SEO rankings – search engines favor fast-loading websites. By boosting your site’s speed, a CDN can help improve your site’s search engine rankings, ensuring it’s more visible to potential customers.
  • Scalability – CDNs effortlessly handle traffic spikes without compromising your website’s performance, crucial for holiday seasons or flash sales when traffic volumes can surge.

At Hostinger, we offer specialized WooCommerce hosting plans. Finely tuned for the eCommerce plugin, this web hosting solution will help you achieve peak performance for your WordPress eCommerce site.

These platforms are ideal for entrepreneurs, small businesses, or individuals looking to swiftly launch eCommerce sites without technical hassles. Whether you’re launching an online boutique or a digital product store, a site builder can help you start selling online in no time.

Bandwidth determines the amount of data your website can transfer to your visitors in a given time.

Additionally, the ideal CDN should fit seamlessly into your existing setup, requiring little to no adjustments to your website’s infrastructure.

  • Static content caching – stores copies of static website elements, like HTML pages, images, and style sheets, on multiple servers.
  • Data center rerouting – redirects your website’s traffic to alternate data centers in case of issues, ensuring continuous uptime and eliminating concerns about potential downtime.
  • CSS and JavaScript minification – reduces script file sizes by removing unnecessary characters like spaces and comments without changing their functionality.
  • CDN bypass – temporarily skips the CDN use for certain content or in specific situations to ensure visitors access the latest content or for debugging purposes.
  • Built-in security – offers various free-included security measures, such as DDoS protection, SSL/TLS encryption, and web application firewalls, to safeguard online stores from various cyber threats.

Required Bandwidth (GB/month)= (Average Page Size (MB)×Average Page Views per Visitor)×Average Monthly Visitors×Redundancy Factor


WooCommerce is a powerful WordPress eCommerce plugin that allows you to transform your website into a fully functional online store. You can use it for free, as it requires no license or subscription fees.

  • WooCommerce hosting – ideal for small to medium-sized online stores that seek flexibility in design and functionality.
  • Website builder – best suits small business owners with little to no technical expertise and wanting to set up a professional-looking online store quickly.
  • eCommerce hosting – perfect for online businesses expecting high traffic volumes and requiring advanced eCommerce features.

In addition to assisted client support, you might want to look for a hosting provider offering self-help options. Whether it’s a knowledge base, tutorials page, or community forum, such services help save time for both you and the support team.

This section will explore seven crucial factors to guide you in choosing the best hosting solution for your business. Let’s get started.

Use third-party tools like UptimeRobot or Site24x7 to check a web host’s uptime. This will help you see whether your chosen eCommerce web hosting provider is meeting their uptime guarantee.

What Hosting Plan Do I Need for eCommerce FAQ

A good eCommerce hosting provider offers a robust set of features to support the day-to-day operations of its clients’ online stores. Key considerations include bandwidth, storage space, and free domain.

What Is the Difference Between an eCommerce Platform and eCommerce Hosting?

The best eCommerce hosting provider should support various popular CMS, such as PrestaShop, OpenCart, and WordPress. These CMS are where you manage your digital content and organize product listings.

Is Shared Hosting Good for eCommerce?

Good luck with your eCommerce business!

How Much Hosting Space Do I Need for an eCommerce Website?

Hostinger offers an intuitive website builder designed for ease of use without compromising on functionality.

The author

As the name suggests, WooCommerce hosting plans are optimized specifically for WooCommerce shops. Let’s look at some of its key features: