MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools

MySQL Performance Tuning: Tips, Scripts and Tools

MySQLTuner supports Galera Cluster, TokuDB, Performance schema, Linux OS metrics, InnoDB, MyISAM, Aria, etc. – MySQLTuner on Github. You cannot replace Professional MySQL tuning with scripts. Scripts serve as essential guides, sometimes spot-on,…

dstat command in Linux w/ examples

dstat command in Linux w/ examples

-y, –sysenable system stats (interrupts, context switches)–snmp-cpu–floatforce float values on-screen (mutual exclusive with –integer)–top-io-advshow most expensive I/O process (incl. pid and other stats)–qmailshow qmail queue sizes (needs qmail)–top-bioshow most expensive block I/O process…

iftop command in Linux w/ examples

iftop command in Linux w/ examples

sudo iftop -F pacman -S iftop iftop command examples iftop is a terminal program that shows network activity and details in text form. It’s suitable for users who want to monitor network…

Managing User Focus with :focus-visible

Managing User Focus with :focus-visible

button:focus-visible { outline-color: black; font-size: 1.2em; font-family: serif; font-weight: bold; } /*** OR ***/ input:focus-visible { outline-color: black; font-size: 1.2em; font-family: serif; font-weight: bold; } Support One example that always comes to mind…